Motor Vehicle Injuries:
What to Expect
During a car accident, even in a most seemingly minor accident, one can suffer from later effects of pain and muscle spasms. This is your body's way of trying to protect itself from trauma during and after an auto accident. Your muscles tighten and spasm in order to protect your body, thus leading to severe pain and restrictions. To make matters worse, the pain makes you move less which creates weakness and fatigue.
When To Seek Treatment
It is always recommended that you seek medical attention immediately to ensure no serious injury, such as a fracture or internal damage, has occurred. After being cleared by a physician, you should begin physical therapy right away to address the symptoms and their cause in order to promote healing and avoid further decline.
Who Pays For Medical Bills
In case you're wondering who covers these medical expenses, if you have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments (MedPay) coverage, your auto insurance will pay for medical bills. These are considered your primary sources of medical insurance after an auto accident and should be well utilized before needing to use your own health insurance.
If you do not have either PIP or MedPay, then you can use your own health insurance. If the other party is responsible for the auto accident, then their insurance company would typically reimburse your auto insurance or health insurance once your case is settled.
Personal Injury Lawyer
Another important consideration after a car accident is utilizing a personal injury lawyer. They can save you time, effort, and money by requesting your medical records, reviewing police reports, preparing and filing legal documents, representing you in court, and communicating with all responsible parties such as insurance adjusters and other legal entities.
Treatment After Auto Accident
Dr. Nuha Hasan will apply gentle manual techniques including soft tissue mobilization and myofascial release, along with modalities such as ice, heat, and electrical stimulation to reduce pain and stiffness. After the pain and restrictions have been addressed, Dr. Hasan will progress to gentle and pain-free exercises tailored to your specific physical impairments and dysfunction.